Defiant hopelessness…

Nobody’s making attempts anymore to stir a peace of roses. Individual daffodils and bunches of sage challenge shields of rage hidden under profaned altars of compromised innocence; piled mountains of drowned chariots awaiting another exodus to chase… I nearly fell for you Delilah, but I am blind you see, incapable of discerning between a hairdresser … Continue reading Defiant hopelessness…

4th of April 4th, 1984…

Self-Inflicted hope, against inflicted hopelessness... As previously mentioned, hopelessness must be deliberately inflicted -and to a certain extent accepted- in order to exist. Thus neither hopelessness nor hope should be considered as "normal", simply because they can't be; no one would ever need hope in a world where expectations would not arise from unmet needs … Continue reading 4th of April 4th, 1984…

3rd of April 4th, 1984…

“There come a time, kemosabe, when good man must wear mask.” The Lone Ranger's Tonto A "brother" can remain "big" only until the narrow bridge into adulthood has been crossed. Beyond it he should remain what we all should be to each other: simply brothers. As time and eternity are identical beyond what we see … Continue reading 3rd of April 4th, 1984…