The importance of Asperger’s Syndrome as a unique clinical diagnostic category – I –

Aspergers and Ignorance (2)

On page 1 of his fundamental summary of (Classic) “Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome”, S. Baron-Cohen (2008) lists as “Key Points” the two, overlappingly different subgroups of what has come to be known as the “Autistic Spectrum”.

“Classic autism and Asperger syndrome share two key features:
         -Social communication difficulties
         -Narrow interests and repetitive actions.
 But they differ in two key ways:
         -In Asperger syndrome, IQ is at least average and there was no language delay
         -In classic autism, IQ can be anywhere on the scale, and there was language delay.”

However, these key, common and differentiated features make only for a minimal area of understanding, assessing and living with either condition.

In my opinion, DSM-5 has managed with its promotion of an Autistic Spectrum “umbrella”, to both simplify, but also confusingly complicate the clear understanding of exactly those specifics which could make the lives of neurodivergents, less miserable. Luckily (I hope) for the neurodivergents living in the UK, while the clinical diagnosis implicitly reflects the DSM-5 when mentions “Autistic Spectrum Disorder”, still retains (at least in my case) the ICD-10’s “Asperger’s Syndrome” definition, making easier setting up a post diagnostic assistance and support program. Because regardless of how emotionally stabilising may be to have adult, male and female, HF Autistics and Asperger’s individuals considered together for our rights to exist as we are, the uniqueness of each of us is so important, that this arbitrary “one umbrella fits all” approach becomes discriminatory in itself.


Simply because from my perspective, the developmental aftermath of a language delay (and oftentimes subsequent learning disabilities) is absolutely different from that of a no language delay (and the oftentimes present special learning difficulties), further “complicated” by the bio-psychological specifics of males and females.

It’s probably much “easier” for some professionals, but certainly for the health business to bother less with tailoring both the pre- and post-diagnosis services by favouring the “uni” part of our individual uniqueness, instead of developing better, more updated assessment/diagnostic tools, which could offer findings vitally important for identifying the exact life needs of each of us, neurodivergents.

Looking forward therefore to my upcoming post-grad training, I have decided to challenge especially the over-generalised screening/assessment establishment, calling primarily for Asperger’s individuals, preferably diagnosed as adults, both females and males, to share their own understanding of some major Asperger’s screening/assessment tools, which will form in a staged form, the core of my upcoming posts.  The posts, comments and replies are planned to become anonymous points of reference for my future academic endeavour(s).

All comments and replies are absolutely welcome, with a respectful and special call to any qualified, clinical colleagues (yes, Laina that would include you 😊) whose “life touched” professional knowledge could be especially useful.

Because I still believe that any plural which is not established in clear singulars, becomes automatically void of its function.

40 thoughts on “The importance of Asperger’s Syndrome as a unique clinical diagnostic category – I –

  1. Awwww! 👏🏼😘👏🏼😘

    Ok first off, brilliant post! And I’m not just saying that because you mentioned me (although that is totally heartwarming and I totally appreciate that and yes, I’ll absolutely oblige!), but yeah, this post stands very strongly and I completely agree. Very well thought out points made here – many of them!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Second, I’m so touched that you mentioned me! 💞💞. As stated, I’ll be more than happy to take part in anything your brilliant mind desires 😁👍🏼💜

    Third, I’ll briefly recap my story 😉💚
    – I found out that I’m an Aspie while perusing the archives of medical journals, which had been a special interest of mine for the past several years. I was 38.5. Before that, I had no idea that I was anywhere on the spectrum 😁
    – A few months later, I was evaluated for Asperger’s/autism and given a dual diagnosis; my (highly intelligent, cutting-edge) PhD psychologist thinks along your lines, that there IS a difference between Asperger’s and “classic” autism, and he thought I was more of the Aspie type (which I agree). Because the US also uses the DSM-5 as a standard, he also gave me the DSM diagnosis for autism spectrum, in case I needed to apply for support when I go back to school and whatnot.
    – I am indeed a doctor, although not in anything related to mental health, psychiatry, etc. I did complete 21 of the 24 courses in a neurology fellowship program before abandoning it in favor of integrative medicine, and my Neuro training was almost 10 years ago (and much has changed since then), but I’m happy to offer up anything I can in this area!
    – I remain self-employed as an integrative and nutrition-friendly doc, as well as continuing to blog while I unpack my now-40 years of living on the Asperger’s/autism spectrum 😁

    Just in case it’s helpful – if not please feel free to ignore, delete, etc 😉💞

    I admire your writing and your thought process! We’re totally on the same page. Excellent post!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🌹🌹

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Oh, Laina, I’m so glad (and overwhelmed) 🤓🤓💐
      But what makes me really happy is this:
      “Very well thought out points made here – many of them!!”
      That’s exactly what I’m looking for, heartfelt personal subjectivism imbedded in professional objectivism 🙌🙌☺🌟🌹
      I’m planning to embark on a journey exploring not only MY Asperger’s, but Asperger’s as well 🤓🖖

      Liked by 4 people

      1. That rules 👏🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. I love what you’re doing! This is a conversation that really needs to be had, and I think that for many, it’s sort of a “politically incorrect” taboo topic because the fear that it might turn into a neurotype superiority catfight. As a result, too many people Don’t Want To Go There. But by sweeping everything under the rug because of that apprehension, the topic remains this elephant in the room, holding back progress. Because the fact is, there are differences between different points on the spectrum, and this translates to affecting people’s lives. Because of lumping everything together under one single label, some people might get support they don’t need while others don’t get the support they do need. And in creating these criteria, we weren’t exactly consulted. Nobody asked us, “OK, you’re making the same movement over and over again. *Why* do you do that; what does it do for you?” And so on. So, I really admire what you’re doing and I’m honored to be a part of it 😁👍🏼👏🏼🙌🏼. Let’s add our voices to the conversation, whether we’ve been asked or not 😉. For the time being, until the rest of the world catches on, we can at least ask and answer each other 😉😁💪🏼💕💕

        Liked by 5 people

        1. Oh, wonderfully expressed! Exactly! And as you said it, a conversation amongst ourselves might be the best “place” to initiate an understanding from within of what Asperger’s “feels” like. Otherwise as you said, resources might be wasted while somewhere else may never arrive. Spot on! I guess it’s time to clarify not only the answers we may differently give to someone else’s questions, but actually generate the relevant questions as well. So a reflection on already existing questions may be the best place to start 🤓🙌🌟

          Liked by 4 people

  2. Great post. Just our opinion however is the DSM-5, 4, 3, 2, 1 is so bent on the label that the person gets lost. We completely understand why there are labels yet with them comes loss of the person. Just the humble opinion of 39 years in the field (not just studying it). In following Laina for some time now we can see much that the text books omitted.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you from the heart, I’m so thankful and excited, these are exactly the kind of comments, ideas and opinions I’m looking forward too. I’ll need a few days to work out the first set of subject related points in a new post.
      To be honest, and I’m really glad to admit it, it was Laina and other Aspie bloggers, plus a few colleagues of mine which challenged my initial, “traditional” take on Asperger’s and its much, much more complex, gender differentiated symptomatology and individualised development. We are so much more than any standardised tests, therefore a reconsideration of screenings and post-diagnostic follow-ups may be timely. 🤓🖖

      Liked by 5 people

  3. From my experience raising a boy dx classic autism and finding friends dx Asperger’s I can tell you they are worlds apart. I think it was sloppy combining them. They are both neurodivergent but they have different challenges and need different supports. I can give you the “classic” perspective (from a carer’s viewpoint) for contrast if it’s helpful.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. My dear KBG, by all means, your contributions are and will be absolutely valued💐 Your experience is priceless. I’ll be writing the first part of the series in a few days 🤓

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  4. I can’t remember if there was any language delay in my case, although I do remember my parents and kindergarten teachers commenting about my vocabulary and response, which seemed to be restricted to “yes or no”.

    I did however wonder if there is any difference in terms of their social interaction motivation and I mentioned this in brief in one of my earlier post

    This is going to be an interesting research topic! Looking forward to your upcoming series 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi DW,

      Really sorry for the late reply, I’m somewhat swamped as I’m full in my new/old job role, from a lower end to a bit higher, with all of what that carries…
      It’s really hard to recollect factual childhood memories, so I understand how difficult it may be to reach out for past pieces of your own puzzle…
      What’s really stress causing, is the absolute confusion within the assessor “global” community, given the -I must say- arbitrarily imposed criteria by which the autistic sub-groups are decided, these ultimately having an even more confusing effect on the diagnosed.
      I’m really thankful for your input, looking forward to hear your thoughts 💐

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No worries on the late reply (or no reply at all 😝 ). I realise the focus will ultimately fall on the diagnostic criteria but from a fact-finding perspective, I’m interested in finding out what are the differences and similarities; how has autism/asperger affected us individually and by this I mean to what extent is a particular personal trait of mine attributed to autism/asperger. For me, finding the facts is part of the self-awareness journey. I don’t have a particular stance right now but that’s not necessarily a bad thing because I’m open to discussion from all sides. I guess what’s more important is at the end, we can all reach an informed decision ourselves based on the input of those on the spectrum.
        I’m a bit slow in taking in information so I might not be able to provide any useful or timely input. But I’ll be following with interest. All the best, my friend! 😄 👾

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        1. “For me, finding the facts is part of the self-awareness journey. I don’t have a particular stance right now but that’s not necessarily a bad thing because I’m open to discussion from all sides. I guess what’s more important is at the end, we can all reach an informed decision ourselves based on the input of those on the spectrum.”
          Dear DW,
          I know it may sound cliche, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY AND THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS, because my only reason for embarking on this already turbulent journey is all of the above, especially reaching an informed decision ourselves based on what WE SAY, WE FEEL, WE LIVE.
          Amazing, thank YOU 👏👏👏👏👏🖖

          Liked by 2 people

  5. I am an Aspie, and I found that, when DSM 5 came in, the services that helped me so much were no longer suitable, as they were focused more on developmental services. Without terms like classic autism and Aspergers, some people have fallen back into the outdated “function labelling” (“high” functioning, “low” functioning, and the arbitrary “functions at the level of” (insert random age that does not match the person’s actual age). (Verbal) Language delays are not an indication of the false notion of “functioning age”, rather, they suggest that the person may, for as long or as short a time as they need, use alternative forms of communication. IQ tests do not really indicate how intelligent a person is (and they should never be used to function label or age label someone), but they can indicate that a person’s strength may lie in less conventional intelligence types. We need as much diversity as possible. Lumping everything under autism does not suggest the real diversity among neurodiverse people.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi Nicole,

      Your comment is so thoughtful and to the point, that if you don’t mind, I’d prefere to “open reply” as a new post, because what you raise, point by point, it’s so much worth reading, and I’d gladly add my own related thoughts to them. Would that be OK?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on the silent wave and commented:
    I think this is a brilliant post. It embarks on a conversation that needs to be had. I’ve wanted to delve into this for a long time, but hadn’t had the courage to do so, probably for fear of being labeled a “Shiny Aspie”, which applies to me insofar as I like being Aspergian/autistic, but I draw a hard line at claiming that one is better than the other (Asperger’s vs autism), because it isn’t. Both are equally respected (in my book), and different does not imply less. The reason I think this is an excellent topic (and what a great post to kick off the convo!) is that, conducted properly, this conversation has the potential to benefit ALL parts of the spectrum–both ends, and everything in between. The author of this post is incredibly insightful, and one of the first supporters of this blog and the story of my journey that it tells. His blog is fantastic! Lots of interesting information on there, and an extensive and fascinating archive section to boot. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I have to disagree that Asperger’s and Autism should be classified as separate conditions.

    You state that “from my perspective, the developmental aftermath of a language delay (and oftentimes subsequent learning disabilities) is absolutely different from that of a no language delay”

    I’m not sure why you assume that there should automatically be a ‘developmental aftermath’ if someone has a speech delay.

    I had a speech delay when I was a child, but my speech was definitely normal by the time I went to school at 5 years old. I am highly verbal, fluent in sarcasm and irony, have a high IQ, a post-graduate degree and run my own business.

    I also have a diagnosis of ‘Autism’, not Asperger’s, purely because of this speech delay.

    Even if I was the only person in this situation (and I’ve met many others), it indicates that the presence of a childhood ‘language delay’ is of no use in categorizing people. If ‘language delay’ is removed as a distinguishing characteristic between Asperger’s and Autism, then there really isn’t much left (taking into account the fact that an diagnosis of Autism can be given to those with an IQ anywhere on the scale).

    One thing that I have noticed, is that the people insisting that Asperger’s should be a distinct diagnosis all seem to have been diagnosed with Asperger’s 😉 I totally understand, who wouldn’t want to be an Aspie? It’s definitely the more glamorous diagnosis.

    As someone diagnosed with ‘Autism’, articles like this make me feel more than a little uncomfortable.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Hi W,

      I don’t even know where to start with my genuine apology, for -as I mentioned in another reply- leaving “grey” areas in my post, sadly susceptible to confusion.
      I’ll start by stating that I’ve deliberately used Baron-Cohen’s quote because he is becoming the classical example of having taken himself up the differentiated approach to the different sub-groups within the Autistic Spectrum, just to “quietly” bend away with the dawn of DSM-5 offering some feeble explanation why he has come to change his mind after being critical of it.
      When having myself used his quote’s emphasis on “language delay” and IQ, I’ve done from the perspective of using the commonly accepted evidence base, in a very condensed nutshell.
      I am perfectly aware that “language delay” is confusingly generalising, making no difference between the subtle variations within its symptomatology. The “aftermath” is in this case, the language delay which continues/develops into what is being categorised as “severe learning disability” present in cases of Classical Autism where individuals have a unilaterally/compartmentally developed intelligence, in the simultaneous presence of reduced/lacking abilities for self-care, minimal social skills, etc.
      This is exactly why my/our efforts to uphold the fundamental work of Asperger, Lorna Wing and other alike, have an extrapolated effect on defending the uniqueness given by the details which yourself mention, easily swallowed by the “simplifying” manoeuvre by the DSM-5.
      As for the IQ, what should I say?
      I am besides Asperger’s, Dyslexic with Dyscalculia and Dyspraxic, which leaves me pretty low on this monstrous monument of pseudo-science called IQ, because I am arithmetically “blind” needing the cashier to count the change out of my hand, and 5 minutes or a calculator to count that 3 pounds are made of 15×20 pence, nevertheless with two degrees and two post-grads working at the third one, speaking about 6 languages at least, being able to recognise a musical error in a symphonic orchestra, have a sense of word rhythm which makes poetry my second thought pattern, having been called an idiot nevertheless all along school, because I couldn’t differentiate natural logarithms from horse shit, theoretical physics from fairy tales and chemistry calculus from two buckets of water…
      As for “glamorous”, please believe me that I’m so tired of being told that I look “normal” just because e.g. I don’t flap my hands etc, when seen…
      Because I’ve learned to force myself not doing it, otherwise regardless of my credentials no one would give me a job.
      But as I write, my eyes teared up, because I feel like a bird forced to cut my own wings off…
      It hurts, every day…
      But not at night, when I’m flapping all the way from my bed to the toilet and back…
      Please, continue commenting and observing everything you think being worth mentioned, because that’s exactly what WE need to do, make OUR voices heard, making a difference when it’s about US…
      After all, all we have is OURSELVES 🤓

      Liked by 2 people

  8. This is a very thoughtful post, I’m glad I read it. I can foresee that I’m going to wade into that discussion at some point…
    For now I want to say this: I think it is important to keep in mind both the differences and the commonalities. I, too, think that Asperger’s is distinct from “classic” autism, but it would be too much to say it is a completely distinct syndrome/condition/whatever you want to call it. If you imagine the autism spectrum as a galaxy, then Asperger’s would be one particular quadrant. At the same time, I personally am becoming more and more aware of the common fundamentals of autism that I think all autistics share. I used to think I had nothing in common with individuals like, say, King Ben –
    a circumstance which made be doubt that I was in any way justified in calling myself autistic. Now I’m coming round to realizing that there’s more in common that I thought, without denying the existence of many differences. Neither do I want to deny the problems which the “lumping together” can cause, but at the stage at which I am in my personal autism discovery journey, it seems more important just now to emphasize the unity underneath the umpbrella instead of the divisions.
    I think your careful phrasing of the matter is really helping the discussion along.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi LS,
      I’m really thrilled to see you around, both yourself and your thoughtful comment.
      Recalling your ideas from end to top, I’m really pleased to see that my genuine effort to “careful phrasing” hasn’t gone unnoticed, thanking you for mentioning it, it’s a real encouragement.
      I am also looking forward onto reading your thoughts on what’s to come.
      It’s fascinating though to notice the ambivalence of your thought-galaxy (to borrow a reflection of your own words) where in one quadrant dwells what caught my primary focus, i.e. the “differences and commonalities” aspect, which I must indeed keep in mind for a balanced approach, and in another quadrant your more personal aspect which seems to -understandingly- prioritise the “unity under the umbrella”.
      My own journey seems similar to yours, starting to see through the eyes of other autistics more and more of what we have in common, which makes the differences instead of divisive, rather complementary to what makes our own uniqueness, well, unique…
      Because it’s in these “differences and commonalities” where our singularities merge into a both epistemologically and existentially justifiable plural.
      Meanwhile, what I truly hope to make these posts, comments and replies different, is the mutually respectful tone of approach, where even critique and/or disagreements are uttered in a way reminding me of a time when polemics were seen as a way of pruning fruitful trees for a better harvest.
      And for that approach, I honestly thank You, and all well-meaning contributors.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh, I’m thrilled that you are thrilled 😊
        I’ve lurked at your blog before but didn’t make myself known. I have seen discussions about this very topic descend into acrimonious mud slinging, particularly between Aspie types and carers of people with “classic” autism, so I was relieved that the tone of your post and the comments that followed are different. I don’t by any means agree with everything you say, but I do agree with wanting mutually respectful tone, and I like your metaphor of pruning for a better harvest. My opinions are not set in stone either, but I’m more amenable to changing them when I’m not berated for them. I therefore look forward to continuing in the same vein. 😄

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        1. Thank you LS for the encouraging prospects 🤓
          I know what you mean, having been myself bashed around and excommunicated from other venues simply for thinking my own thoughts…
          Can’t wait the weekend to start writing, even though I’m in a bit of a trouble for the abundance of ideas which emerged from the many comments. Well I’m on a training tomorrow, hopefully can pretend paying attention while munching through “what next” 😜

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  9. Hi M,

    Thank you for your apology. I wasn’t expecting it, so thank you very much.

    It is interesting to hear further details about your ideas on ‘language development’ and it’s ‘developmental aftermath’.

    However, I believe that my fundamental point has not really been addressed

    If you are insisting that Asperger’s remain a separate diagnosis to Autism, I would suggest that this implies that you agree in principle with the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV and the ICD-10.

    As it was the ICD-10 which diagnosed me (entirely correctly) with Autism and not Asperger’s because of my ‘language delay’, you must therefore also agree that it is appropriate that I have a different diagnosis to yourself and all others with Asperger’s syndrome.

    Do you genuinely believe that I am different to you?

    Apart from the ‘language delay’ I appear to be a classic case of Asperger’s

    We are therefore left with three choices:


    1) there is no real difference between Asperger’s and Autism


    2) that a ‘language delay’ is not an appropriate way to distinguish between the two conditions.

    OR (possible but unlikely)

    3) I have been wrongly diagnosed

    I also don’t agree the ‘umbrella approach’ of the DSM-V is discriminatory. If anything, it is less discriminatory than the DSM-IV. For example, I tried to buy some travel insurance the other day and after declaring my ‘Autism’, I was asked if I would be supervised at all times and if my condition made me aggressive. There were no such questions for Asperger’s

    After my diagnosis, I was advised to get involved in online forums and support groups for those with ASDs. Although most people were friendly, I experienced quite a bit of prejudice purely because I have been diagnosed with Autism and not Asperger’s. It was frequently implied that people with Autism were not quite as good as those with Asperger’s. Many people stated proudly that “I have Asperger’s not Autism”, as if Autism was something to be ashamed of.

    If I had been diagnosed using the DSM-V, I would have received a diagnosis of ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder Level 1’ like most of the Aspies and I wouldn’t have had to experience any of that prejudice and discrimination.

    As it is, I will never be an ‘Aspergirl’, I will never be an ‘Aspien Woman’, I will never be able to post on ‘Aspie Central’. I can never join an Asperger’s support group or buy a copy of “22 Things a Woman with Asperger’s Wants her Partner to Know”

    I don’t want to get over-emotional about it, but whenever I read that someone is insisting that Asperger’s be kept separate from Autism, it feels like a kick to the stomach. I have been excluded by the neurotypical population all my life, so when I realised that I was on the spectrum, I thought that I had found my own community. Since being formally diagnosed with Autism, I feel like I have been rejected yet again.

    As for IQ, I only mentioned mine in order to counteract the common misconception amongst the general public that Autism is a diagnosis that is given to those with a lower than average IQ.

    When I said that an ‘Asperger’s’ diagnosis was more ‘glamorous’ than a diagnosis of Autism, I was referring to the public perception of the two conditions, rather than what it is actually like to experience them.

    The general public seem to think that Asperger’s involves a young man in a checked shirt who is amazing with computers, incredibly intelligent, possibly with some mysterious ‘superpower’.

    Their (outrageously inaccurate) public perception of Autism seems to involve a non-verbal child, banging it’s head on the wall and playing with it’s own faeces.

    Which diagnosis would you prefer?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Right, first of all, thank you for taking the time to write 🙌
      I’ve noticed your comment on my phone, but had to wait until now to read it through and think about a reply 🖖
      I’ll take it by points, without being able to address everything in detail:
      “If you are insisting that Asperger’s remain a separate diagnosis to Autism, I would suggest that this implies that you agree in principle with the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV and the ICD-10.”
      -Yes and No. Yes, because I believe that Asperger’s Autism and Classic Autism have differences. And No because I believe that they are both subcategories of the Autistic Spectrum. I myself was diagnosed in the UK according to the ICD-10, but the diagnostic material includes both ASD and Asperger’s. The UK’s approach is quite clearly detailed in The National Autistic Society’s explanation of “Profiles and Criteria”
      Now, it would be highly unlikely to correctly compare myself to you, given the scarcity of data. Nevertheless, and this is one major point where I find a need for further research, childhood “language delay” which doesn’t develop into major, adult learning disabilities, should be reconsidered as transient, and therefore not necessarily inclining the balance towards “classic autism”. Also, diagnosing ALL Autism conditions in adulthood, should be reconsidered.
      Having said that, I may incline to subscribe to your 2nd option, with the above conditions and suggestions.
      As for my “umbrella” approach, please consider that my position -as emphasised earlier- is that its validity is given exactly by maintaining a clarity of its singularities, in our case adult Classical Autism and Asperger’s Autism.
      It breaks my heart reading your ordeals…
      It is an utter disgrace to be forced to feel inferior to any other individuals on the spectrum. Without being apologetic in someone else’s name, I may nevertheless suggest that the “Aspie” hype was a transitional period typical to a developing understanding of it, with shameful and damaging side-results for neurodivergents like yourself.
      It is this one of the main reasons why I have entitled my self-disclosing post as “…I am actually Autistic” this being the way I clarify my uniqueness and identify with it when necessary, Asperger’s being the subcategory I was diagnosed within the Autistic Spectrum, with which I also agree.
      And if I couldn’t do any better against the abuse you were/are exposed to, elsewhere, please consider this blog and the warm hearted community of neurodivergents which “hang around together” such as Laina, King Ben’s Gran, and all the precious NDs whose avatars honour each other’s efforts to be a shoulder when needed, as the place where abuse will never be tolerated, in any of its undesirable forms, and where you are always welcome 💐🌹🤓
      Again reading the end of your comment, my heart freezes in pain…
      And I don’t know what to say.
      Perhaps that your presence here is vital in order to have a first hand, both objective and subjective understanding of a what living with an Autism diagnosis within the AS is, as compared to those diagnosed with Asperger’s within the AS. I would like to call this “Peer Research”, which should be the fundamental basis of any AS research. WE KNOW what “they” try to “imagine”. And our lives should weigh heavier than their guesses.
      As to what I prefer, let me share with you what my own blood related family member told me when I informed him of my diagnosis of ASD over the phone. He started to laugh and shouted over to his wife “Darling, it turns out that my XYZ is retarded”…
      Please feel welcome to my blog, to my world 🖖
      We’ll take it from here.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Unfortunately, this is a topic I try to stay away from – I don’t really understand the details of the topic enough myself. I know if I had been diagnosed five years ago I would have been labelled as “Asperger’s” but due to the changes I’m “Autism Spectrum Disorder Severity Level One”… I tend to use Asperger’s as a shorthand though 😛

    I joined the community a little late to have an opinion on this, I think. I tend to think of Asperger’s as being a point on the Autism Spectrum but I’ve noticed some people seem to think of it as a similar but different condition entirely…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let me quote a great line from one of my all time favourite movies, Besson’s “The Fifth Element”, in regard to what you said about being “a little late to have an opinion”:
      “Time not important. Only life important.”
      Your life IS important, and therefore your thoughts, your opinions.


  11. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome and had speech delay and speech problems for a very long time, actually still do. Maybe I was misdiagnosed?

    Other than that great post and a great topic opener that needs to be discussed more often. Think you gained yourself a new follower! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi ARG 🤓
      Thanks for the comment and following, I’m honoured 🖖
      The detailed assessment of what “speech delay” is from a diagnostic perspective, could have had more to do with speech’s transient childhood absence. As in your case it seems that the problems you mentioned have continued in some form, might have indicated other developmental particularities, favouring therefore a diagnosis of Asperger’s instead of Classical Autism, which is rather preferred when a higher level of learning difficulties and/or daily routine assistance dependency is more present. All the best 🤓

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I am so, so very sorry for this very belated reply.
      Thank you for every word and for the follow.
      Now, your thought: there has never actually been a “clear cut” differentiation between what S Baron-Cohen has correctly and validly identified as Classic ASD and Asperger’s ASD. The primary, secondary, tertiary, etc, stages of development are very unique, and often the YA/adult developments tip the balance in a direction which needs to be reconsidered as compared to the initial findings.
      Therefore, I don’t think you were misDx, it’s just that the other symptoms to be considered together with the early-stages symptoms, could have given a different perspective.
      I hope this makes sense.


  12. I find the Aspergers label useful, in that it does avoid function labelling, (self describing as high functioning autistic is acceptable; anyone can self identify any way they want, though I choose not to self identify with function labels.). One problem with any label though, is that the news media sometimes attributes sensationalistic cases to them (though this is an ignorance problem).

    I do not agree with function labels, or infantalization labels (comparing an adult to a child or early adolescent, or comparing an adolescent to a young child).

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