10 thoughts on “Ode to my family…

    1. And you won’t believe, there are two adult flowers, the largest bud my eldest daughter, the smaller red one in the back my son, and the two smaller unopened buds my youngest daugters:-D
      I was so excited, when I looked at the pictures I took in a costco parking lot (yeap, with such a numerous family we had to go bulk). I’m glad you like it. Peonies were always my favourite flowers. There is a native Northern Transylvanian (my native, beloved, so much missed homeland:'(), mountain variety, smaller, burgundy/ruby red, but these are beautiful too, both the purple and the pale pink ones.


      1. Oh what a blessing! I love peonies, too! It’s amazing how many varieties exist. My sister-in-law has gorgeous pale pink ones full of layers and layers of petals.


    1. Their scent is very discreet and unique. And yes thank you, my family is beautiful, well, less meself:-D


  1. One’s greatness stands not in his words but rather in his actions. We search all through our life for answers but not for the truth, and we manage to question everything without asking the RIGHT questions. We seek comfort, inspiration, motivation in words of wisdom rather than following the footsteps on the great ones. Our fear is not that inadequate, our fear is that we are powerful beyond measure………and when we manage to shed the fear, our life will suddenly align itself to a momentum of forward movement, growth and learning…….although age does not describe or reflect ones value or intelligence you stand out as an unwritten word in a book not yet written………….yet without that word the whole book will never see the light of printing press……thank you …;)


    1. Oh my heart… My firstborn is blogging… Welcome to the one before last resort of some of the last sane, free thinkers. I was truly right about deleting this blog, as some sort of suicide from a blogging presence, when you popped up ♥
      Now I have at least one reason to think…
      Thank YOU♥


      1. Oh! This is your son blogging? I have been reading. I like his idea that all under 18 should be home before 11 PM or parents fined. The coffers would fill up really quickly!
        And I like his idea that no one should talk without a solid reason or enough evidence. Sure would keep my household quiet!

        Peonies! What a beautiful way to describe your family. Those flowers were always present in the small garden of my childhood home.


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